Interim CFO Elevates Real Estate Search Engine’s Financial Strategy

PE Firms
Value Creation

Industry: Technology – Software

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: Portfolio Company – Real Estate Search Engine

Service Provider Type: Interim CFO

The Need
Navigating Financial Transitions

A leading online real estate marketplace specializing in age-restricted communities was at a crossroads. With revenue of $15MM and a team of 50 employees and 20 contractors, they were gearing up to revamp their business model and set their annual budget. The challenges brought on by the pandemic had altered their sales funnel dynamics, and their existing financial model was due for an overhaul. Amid these shifts, the need for an interim CFO to steer them through this period became evident.

The Challenge
LeadGen Expert with Industry Experience

Operating as a unique platform in the real estate sector, the ideal candidate would be familiar with online lead generation. Real estate experience would be a significant advantage, too. Furthermore, understanding the intricacies of the company’s in-house developed front and back-end systems was crucial. With an ongoing annual audit and the recent onboarding of a new FP&A manager, the interim CFO’s role was to ensure a seamless transition without any operational disruptions.

How BluWave Helped
The Right Solution, Fast

BluWave swiftly grasped the distinct needs of the real estate marketplace. Tapping into its extensive network, BluWave introduced the company to a short list of seasoned interim CFOs. After introductions were made, the portco zeroed in on the candidate that brought to the table a rich experience in online lead generation and a profound understanding of financial modeling and budget building. The temporary executive was not only equipped to oversee the annual audit but also possessed the strategic vision required to reshape the business model in alignment with the company’s objectives.

The Result
Strategic Financial Revamp, Strong Foundation for Future

The interim CFO integrated effortlessly into the team. In the initial phase, she prioritized ensuring the smooth operation of the company’s financial functions. As the engagement evolved, the CFO transitioned from a full-time role to a part-time strategic advisor, offering the company the flexibility it sought. Under the interim CFO’s guidance, the company successfully overhauled its financial model, laying a robust foundation for stability and growth.

The interim executive you selected for us did great work. We would rate her as great overall.

-CEO of Portfolio Company


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