Hybrid Finance Professional for Construction Company Leadership

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: Lower-Middle Market PE Firm

Service Provider Type: Recruiters – Executive Search – Finance

Industry: Construction & Engineering

The Need
Hybrid Finance Professional to Enhance Leadership Team

A lower-middle market private equity firm sought a unique finance professional for its construction portfolio company. This role required a hybrid skill set – half data analyst and half finance expert – to identify key performance indicators and supplement the leadership team.

The Challenge
Specialized Finance Resource with Regional Insight

The challenge lay in sourcing a candidate who not only possessed a balanced mix of data analytics and finance skills but also had familiarity with the South region. The firm was looking for a boutique, experienced search firm, open to a retained search arrangement, to identify this specialized professional.

How BluWave Helped
Connecting with an Industry-Specific Resource

BluWave used its extensive network to identify a finance executive search firm that specialized in boutique and regional hiring within the construction and engineering industry. This firm was tasked with identifying a candidate who could dive deep into business analytics while also handling finance responsibilities effectively.

The Result
Strengthening Leadership with a Dual-Expertise Professional

The successful placement of a hybrid finance professional marked a significant enhancement to the company’s leadership team. The new hire brought a combination of data analysis acumen and financial expertise, focusing on identifying and managing key KPIs, vital for the strategic development of the company.

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Roles of AI, Machine Learning

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in healthcare is poised to revolutionize the industry by enhancing efficiency, transforming medical education and augmenting the role of healthcare professionals.

The latest Private Equity Insights Report from BluWave shows strong interest in AI data analytics as well as robust activity in the healthcare industry.

LISTEN: The Window of Opportunity: Healthcare and PE Insights

Scott Becker, founder of Becker’s Healthcare and Partner at McGuireWoods, discussed these topics with BluWave CEO and Founder Sean Mooney on the Karma School of Business podcast.

Neurology, doctor and planning surgery with tablet in office with x ray, results and patient data on tech for expert consultation. Cancer, research and black woman to study the brain or neuroscience.

Efficiency in Healthcare Processes

Becker’s insights into the role of AI in healthcare reveal a significant shift toward efficiency, particularly in areas like revenue cycle management.

He spoke to the remarkable reduction in workforce requirements.

“You’ve got places that have 1,500 employees. They can get down to 1,000 employees with using AI,” he said.

READ MORE: Healthcare Compliance: Due Diligence Checklist

This reduction is not about diminishing the human element but rather reallocating it. By automating routine and repetitive tasks, AI allows healthcare professionals to focus their expertise on more complex and nuanced cases.

This shift is not just a matter of numbers; it represents a fundamental change in how healthcare operations are managed. Becker elaborated on the challenges faced in staffing these roles.

“A lot of those jobs are relatively lower-wage jobs where the turnover was tremendous,” he added.

This also speaks to the importance of AI in creating a more stable and focused workforce.

READ MORE: How To Extract Data from ERP Systems

Transformation of Medical Education

Becker also said that the medical education system is in dire need of an update.

“Medical school is still designed pre-internet,” he said. “A specialist isn’t out of school until they’re in their early thirties.”

This not only prolongs the training period but also imposes significant financial and mental burdens on aspiring medical professionals.

READ MORE: Professional Healthcare Recruiters: Specialized Human Capital Resources

“You’ve got this horribly inefficient medical school program and residency training program,” he added.

By leveraging artificial intelligence for educational purposes, the learning process can be significantly streamlined, reducing both time and cost for students.

Augmentation of Medical Professional Roles

There are many use cases for existing medical professionals as well. Mooney offered one example.

“They’re going to have these amazing copilots that will help do all those kind of brain sequences,” he said.

READ MORE: AI Data Analytics: Business Intelligence Tools

Mooney views AI as a tool to assist, rather than replace, human expertise. AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns can significantly enhance the diagnostic process, allowing medical professionals to focus on critical decision-making and patient care.

“I don’t think you could ever turn them over to the robots, at least in our visible future,” Mooney added.

The integration of AI promises to elevate the quality of healthcare, making it more precise, personalized and effective.

While the potential of AI in healthcare is immense, challenges such as resistance to change and vested interests could impede its adoption. Its future prospects, however, are promising.

The integration of AI and machine learning in healthcare represents a significant shift toward more efficient, effective and personalized care.

The invite-only Business Builders’ Network is full of AI experts who work with healthcare businesses on a regular basis.

Connect with our research and operations team, and they’ll provide a short list of tailor-made resources within 24 hours.

Listen to all the episodes from the KSOB podcast.

Revolutionizing Sales Strategies for a Robust Roofing Roll-Up

Industry: Construction and Engineering

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: Upper-Middle Market PE Firm

Service Provider Type: Non-Executive Recruiting Firm for VP of Sales

The Need
Unleashing Sales Potential in a Diverse Roofing Business

A progressive roofing roll-up, specializing in both residential and commercial sectors, sought to enhance its sales strategies and expand its footprint. The company aimed to recruit a VP of Sales, a unique role envisioned as a dynamic force to lead a national sales team, streamline sales strategies, and drive significant business growth of at least 4X. The ideal candidate would be a road warrior, leading from the front, adept at managing diverse sales strategies ranging from door-to-door sales to sophisticated network building with insurance agents.

The Challenge
Finding the Unicorn: A Versatile and Visionary VP of Sales

The role demanded a candidate with a rare blend of attributes – a natural-born salesperson, a strategic leader and a dynamic team builder. The VP of Sales would not only lead and mentor a vast team of more than 150 direct sellers and 15 managers but also be instrumental in sculpting multiple go-to-market strategies, enhancing formal training processes and spearheading expansion through acquisitions and geographical diversifications.

How BluWave Helped
Crafting a Tailored Search for a Multifaceted Role

BluWave connected the PE firm with a specialized recruiter group focused on identifying candidates with a profound understanding of direct-field services and a distributed workforce model. The approach was tailored to ensure that the candidates not only resonated with the unique sales strategies of the roofing roll-up but also brought a vision to revolutionize the sales paradigms, driving unprecedented growth.

The Result
A Strategic Visionary Poised to Propel Sales and Growth

The private equity firm chose from a short list of candidates a VP of Sales who embodied the visionary leadership and dynamic sales acumen for which the roofing roll-up aspired. The new VP of Sales is poised to be a transformative force, ready to unleash innovative sales strategies, mentor and lead a vast team and drive the company toward remarkable growth and success in the roofing industry.

Versatile Controller for an Innovative Legal Tech SaaS Business

Industry: Technology – Software – Legal

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: PE Firm

Service Provider Type: Non-Executive Recruiting Firm

The Need
Building Robust Financial Infrastructure for Growth

A burgeoning U.S.-based legal tech SaaS business, backed by a PE firm, was on a mission to revolutionize legal processes through automation and analytical insights. With a promising trajectory, the company sought to bolster its financial infrastructure to support and sustain its rapid growth. The search was on for a versatile controller, someone who could not only manage the day-to-day financial operations but also strategize and steer the company toward financial optimization.

The Challenge
Industry, Role Nuances

The ideal candidate would be someone adept at wearing multiple hats, capable of handling everything from accounts payable and receivable to strategic financial planning. Given the company’s innovative focus on legal tech, the controller would also need to navigate conversations with various stakeholders, including founders who might not be deeply versed in financial reporting, and investors and board members requiring sophisticated financial insights. The geographical location and the specific industry experience of the candidates were also crucial factors.

How BluWave Helped
Tailored Approach to Hiring the Right Fit

BluWave connected the private equity firm with a specialized non-executive recruiting firm with a robust background in controller roles, a deep understanding of early-stage business dynamics and a geographical alignment with the West Coast. The approach was tailored to ensure that the candidates the search firm presented not only met the technical requirements but also resonated with the unique culture and vision of the portfolio company.

The Result
Strategic Addition to Foster Financial Excellence

BluWave’s strategic approach and network enabled the legal tech SaaS company to identify a controller who perfectly aligned with their needs and vision. The new hire brought a blend of operational expertise and strategic acumen, ready to build a robust financial infrastructure that would support the company’s innovative trajectory and growth aspirations.

“My feedback is very positive.”

-Managing director of PE firm

Interim Executive Best Practices: Trends in Short-Term Leadership Roles

Why should a business use an interim executive?

It can be a great way to bridge the gap between full-time hires, give a potential long-term hire a “tryout,” train up less experienced candidates, guide a company through a crisis or even prepare a business for sale.

Whatever the case, interim CFOs, CMOs, CHROs, COOs and the like can be money well invested.

To get the most out of these temporary executives, though, businesses need to have a plan.

BluWave’s Richmond Donnelly discussed the best practices of using interim C-suite talent on a webinar with Mark Steenhoek, Managing Director, Operations, of The Stephens Group and Bryan West, Managing Director, Talent at Resurgens Technology Partners.

Here are some of the actionable insights you can apply to your business’s interim executive strategy.

A diverse group of business leaders dressed in suits looking at papers around a table in a conference room. The room is also well-lit.

When, How To Work with Interim Executives

While there are many situations in which an interim executive might be a good fit, the panelists outlined the most common ones their firms face.

“There’s good reasons and bad reasons that we would hire. I’d say that we find ourselves more in the camp with the bad reasons, and I’d describe those as two,” Steenhoek said. “It’s a crisis situation. Somebody leaves…or it’s a situation where we started looking in this a little bit more post-COVID in that we would have an open CFO role and then it takes nine to 12 months to fill it just because the market was so tight and difficult to find that perfect fit.”

West added that he is a big fan of the “try before you buy” approach. He said he’s encouraged by the number of his peers who are like-minded.

“That was actually reassuring,” he said. “That’s a great way to build a relationship and we’re always open to that.”

Top Interim CXO Use Cases

Whatever the use case, interim leadership is consistently one of the most-used services in the Business Builders’ Network, according to BluWave’s quarterly insights.

Based on the proprietary data collected from working with hundreds of private equity firms and thousands of leading businesses, the two most-used interim executives are CFOs and CHROs.

Read more about how each of these crucial roles is used:

Based on a live poll of webinar attendees, most PE firms fill multiple interim executive roles per year, taking 3-6 months to do so.

At BluWave, however, we connect you with a short list of exact-fit candidates within a single business day of your initial scoping call.

Why Hire an Interim Executive?

Beyond broader use cases, PE firms and their businesses usually have a specific set of tasks they need this temporary hire to complete.

“We’re able to go in and very specifically orient to on a project basis like, ‘Hey, does this person have experience or the skills to knock out kind of a more tactical list of things?’” West said.

He said that while the overall goal may be the same as when you bring in a full-time C-suite hire, the selection criteria is “quite different” based on what needs to get done.

Echoing BluWave data, Steenhoek said interim CFOs are their most common interim executive hires. The tasks each one is expected to accomplish tend to be the same, with variations depending on the company’s industry.

Interim Executive Criteria, Selection

Moving beyond the to-do list of items to accomplish, what is it that the world’s top PE firms and businesses look for in interim executives themselves?

West said that having done so many hirings in the past makes it easier to pick up on red flags in candidates. Beyond that, he relies on experience to choose the right person.

“We need somebody that’s been there, done that,” he said. “We don’t want to burn six months of time or three to six months of time on building a function.”

Steenhoek agreed, saying that is his top priority, too.

“I think the second would be, especially if it’s a leadership thing…radical transparency,” he said. “You’re just going to be able to really work together hand-in-hand, which equates to low-ego. They know what they’re there for.”

Setting Interim Executives Up for Success

Once someone is in the seat, the team that hired the individual plays a significant role in their success. How do these leaders set their interim hires up to get the job done?

“There is the team integration and the business integration [and] the CEO is the primary quarterback there, assuming it’s a direct report to the CEO,” he said. “But as far as project-managing the task list…that more often than not happens at our level.”

Steenhoek added two things that he believes are essential in these situations.

“I think really clear communication around what you need and alignment that they’re oriented and really focused on what you tasked them to do,” Steenhoek said. “The second is just being really clear on alignment related to, Are they interim? Are they permanent?”

BluWave is here to connect you with best-in-class, niche-specific interim executives to help with crisis management, leadership transitions, “try before you buy” and other relevant scenarios.

“Reach out to us at any point if we can ever be supportive with anything you all need,” Donnelly said. “We’re here to help you win.”

Contact our research and operations team to scope your needs and get quickly connected with the service provider you need in less than one business day.