Karma School

Episode 047

Private Equity Predictions: Tackling 2024’s Opportunities and Challenges

On the "Karma School of Business Podcast," host Sean Mooney delves into the future of private equity, offering a comprehensive analysis of the industry's past year and the emerging trends set to define 2024. Utilizing BluWave's proprietary data alongside macroeconomic indicators, Sean presents a compelling case for the onset of a new expansion phase in the private equity sector.

Episode Highlights: 1:42 - Sean discusses the identification of the market cycle's bottom and the anticipation of a growth phase lasting six to eight years. 3:10 - A retrospective look at 2023, focusing on value creation strategies and technological advancements within the industry. 8:00 - An evaluation of the predictions made for 2023, examining their accuracy and the resilience of the economy, the VC bubble burst, and the return to in-person work dynamics. 15:17 - Sean outlines his predictions for 2024, including an increase in M&A activity and strategic selling by private equity firms, highlighting the pivotal role of data scientists in the industry. 21:28 - The episode concludes with an exploration of potential disruptors to the 2024 economic outlook, such as geopolitical tensions, oil price volatility, and shifts in consumer behavior.

To request your copy of the Q4 2023 Private Equity Insights Report, visit www.bluwave.net/insights-report.


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