Q4 2022 BluWave Insights

Every quarter our team analyzes the projects we work on with our 500+ PE firm clients to get a birdseye view of the market. We recently compiled our Q4 findings, as well as annual 2022 findings, into our Q4 2022 BluWave Insights Report. Request your copy.

Key findings from 2022 include:

  • Annual value creation activity increased ~14% YoY.
  • Human capital remains PE’s primary area of focus at 50% of all 2022 value creation activity.
  • Strategy resource usage in 2022 diligence activity increased from 43% in 2021 to 46% in 2022.

Learn more about the insights we gleaned from Q4 and 2022:

Learn more about how we can support your value creation, human capital, and strategic diligence efforts.

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Video transcript:

BluWave serves a trusted role with hundreds of the world’s leading private equity firms and thousands of proactive businesses by connecting them with the best-in-class third parties to help build value with speed and certainty. With the conclusion of 2022 and the inception of the new year, we’ve gathered insights from our unique vantage in the private equity landscape. From our proprietary data, we are able to glean insights into how and why the best business builders in the world are assessing opportunities and building value in their portfolio companies. Here are some of the top takeaways from the BluWave Activity Index from Q1-Q4 2022.

The common theme throughout the entirety of 2022 is that business builders were focused on creating value in their companies. In the BluWave Value Creation Index, activity related to value creation was up to 72% by year-end – a more than 14% increase from 2021. Furthermore, Human Capital is surging to historically high numbers. The BluWave Activity Index shows that 50% of all value creation activity was invested in human capital for the year, and 54% in Q4.

On the due diligence side, deal flow was down in 2022. The BluWave Value Creation Index shows private equity activity related to diligence was down to 28% for the year. Within the diligence activity that we did see, we saw firms focus heavily on strategy initiatives – accounting for 46% of all diligence activity, up from 43% in 2021. In 2022, PE firms perceived the cost of misreading the market to be high in an uncertain economy, so they brought in strategic resources to help.

BluWave is pleased to work with some of the best business builders in the world every year. We hope the insights from our 2022 BluWave Insights Report will help you close deals with certainty, create differential value in your companies, and prepare for a confident exit. If you’d like to learn more and get the full report, please contact any member of the BluWave team or follow the link below.

Sean Mooney on the Thrive LouD podcast

Recently, BluWave founder & CEO, Sean Mooney, spoke with Lou Diamond on his Thrive LouD podcast. Their conversation covered Sean’s story, how he got into private equity, how he transitioned into founding BluWave, what BluWave does, and much more.

Interested in listening to the full episode to learn how BluWave now supports the best business builders in the world? Click below.

Gain more insights from Sean by listening to our very own Karma School of Business podcast.

You can also glean more wisdom from Sean through other podcasts he has been a guest on, including:

If we can help you be successful by quickly connecting you to the PE-grade, pre-vetted, third parties you need, give us a shout.

Human Capital Forum Recap | December 2022

Every quarter we gather human capital professionals from private equity firms to discuss current industry topics and to offer peers the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss top trends in 2022 and top areas of focus for 2023.

These forums are for human capital professionals at private equity firms only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. If you are a human capital professional in private equity and interested in joining fellow human capital professionals at our next PE Human Capital Forum,  RSVP here.

Top Trends in 2022

  • Human capital professionals in PE are playing a wide variety of roles within PE firms and for portfolio companies:
    • The dynamic economy and labor market resulted in constantly shifting priorities throughout the year which has led to human capital professionals having to lead varying initiatives from retention & recruiting to organizational design.
  • Recruiting and retention:
    • Certain sectors are experiencing higher turnover than others and HR leaders have been charged with identifying root causes for turnover and then offering solutions.
    • PE human capital professionals have been spending time helping portcos clearly portray their brands to help in recruiting efforts.
  • Leadership and talent upgrading:
    • In portcos where turnover stabilized, PE human capital leaders have been able to spend more time on leadership and talent assessment.
    • Proactive PE firms are using market conditions as an opportunity to upgrade talent for the long term, including bringing in wartime generals in place of peacetime ministers. Interim executives and specialized recruiters have been common tools to execute these initiatives.

2023 Top Areas of Focus

  • Quantifying and communicating human capital initiatives:
    • Human capital leaders are using data, key performance metrics, and tools like scorecards to illustrate the value they are adding and/or progress being made within the portfolio.
  • Pay transparency:
    • Upcoming pay transparency rules are expected to have a meaningful impact on how companies recruit employees across the country. PE human capital professionals are getting up to speed on these new rules and making sure their portfolio companies are ready to comply.
  • Leadership to navigate tough economic conditions:
    • PE firm human capital professionals are supporting the evaluation of organizations to make sure they have the right players in the right seats, particularly with senior executives and one level down. They are encouraging portco leaders to be prepared to upgrade talent where needed and/or equip teams with leadership coaching to enhance skills if possible.

We thoroughly enjoyed these thought-provoking conversations that occurred during this recent gathering of PE human capital professionals. If we can be of assistance, please let us know.

Additionally, you may be interested in checking out some of our human capital-specific resources, which can be found here:

Operating Partners’ Forum Recap | December 2022

Every quarter we gather operating executives in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer peers the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss top lessons learned in 2022 and 2023 initiatives.

These forums are for operating executives at private equity firms only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. If you are an operating executive in private equity and interested in joining fellow operating executives during our next Operating Partners’ Forum, RSVP here.

Top Lessons Learned in 2022

  • Even the most resilient supply chains struggled in 2022.  We continue to be in a global supply chain crisis.  
  • Pricing strategy and related pricing strategy advisor usage was a major focus in 2022 to try and stay ahead of the inflation curve. 
  • Labor is still a big challenge and will continue to be. Turning to PE-grade recruiters as well as interim execs is a common solution.
  • PE firms and Portcos are doubling down on IT, data & analytics strategies, and implementation processes to be more agile, informed, and automated.  

2023 Initiatives

  • Debt has become less available and more expensive with rising interest rates, which will make it tougher to complete platform deals in 2023. 
  • Digitization efforts will accelerate in 2023. 
  • Having the right org structure in place is top-of-mind for 2023 as labor markets will continue to be tight.   
  • PE-grade, third-party resource usage will accelerate, offering force multiplication for PE Ops teams, bringing them specialized expertise, and enabling portcos to operate more variably.   
  • The PE industry is largely prepared for 2023 and a recessionary environment due to the proactive actions taken in 2022.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with PE Operating Executives to discuss these current topics. We’d be happy to connect you to the PE-grade, exact-fit, third-party resources you need, just contact us here.

Learn more about how we can specifically help ops execs here.

PE VP Forum Recap | December 2022

Every quarter we gather Vice Presidents in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer these peers the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we discussed the current state of the economy, debt markets, and the outlook for 2023.

These forums are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. If you are a private equity vice president and interested in joining fellow PE VPs during our next forum, you can register here.

Economy and Debt Markets

  • The state of the economy has compelled PE firms to be more intentional with their investment theses.
  • With rising interest rates, inflation, and recession risk, the debt markets have been curtailed, causing private equity firms to rethink how they structure deals.
  • As debt financing becomes less available, PE firms are becoming more creative to get deals done – including increasingly utilizing commercial lenders, and non-traditional funding sources.

Outlook for 2023

Looking ahead to 2023, private equity firms are developing strategic plans for their portfolio companies to find opportunities in the face of recession and determine where to deploy their capital in a relatively volatile deal market.

  • Many are expecting the first half of the year to be challenging, but are foreseeing a recovery later in the year if/as interest rates and inflation stabilize.
  • Different industries have been impacted differently by the economic downturn.
  • PE firms are proactively building value by using internal and external resources to do whatever they can to lift portfolio company revenues, optimize costs, increase cash flows and liquidity, and get the right people in place.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with PE VPs to discuss these current industry hot topics. We’d be happy to connect you to the PE-grade, exact-fit, third-party resources you need to assist you in this pressurized market, just contact us here.

Learn more about how we can specifically help Deal Quarterbacks here.

Women in PE Forum Recap | December 2022

Every quarter we gather leading women in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer intelligent women the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss debt markets, navigating recession in the portfolio, and diversity at the PE firm level.

These forums are exclusively for women at private equity firms and follow Chatham House Rule, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. If you are a woman in private equity and interested in joining fellow leading female PE professionals during our next Women in PE Forum, RSVP here.

Debt Markets

  • Difficult debt markets are affecting the ability to get deals done, requiring more creativity to get deals across the finish line.
  • PE firms are shifting back towards commercial bank financing options as they are more active and holding relatively steady. 2023 predictions include:
    • Traditional banks are going to be relatively active lending on new deals versus unitranche lenders.
    • It will be particularly difficult to get financing for distressed/story assets.
    • Credit officers may try to clear underperforming loans off of their books.
    • As the cost of debt increases, the M&A market will continue to cool.

Navigating a Recession in the Portfolio

  • As the economy slows, PE firms have had to shift value creation priorities (and spend more time on the portfolio than usual). Some of those new priorities include:
    • Talent. PE firms are trying to get the right people in the right seats.
    • KPIs and Reporting. PE firms are also focusing on getting the right KPIs/reporting in place to track all leading indicators.
    • Add-Ons. If the portfolio company has a strong balance sheet, it can be an excellent time to acquire competitors or struggling companies to expand market share.

Diversity at the PE Firm Level

  • The data is overwhelming – diversity is the right and the smart thing for business, yet most PE firms struggle to recruit and retain women.
  • PE firms need to have a thoughtful strategy to recruit women, track KPIs, and hold everyone within the firm accountable.
  • Recognizing the applicant pool for women in PE can be smaller, PE firms are looking outside of the traditional PE background to identify top talent.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with women in private equity to discuss these current topics. We’d be happy to connect you to the PE-grade, exact-fit, third-party resources you need, just contact us here.

In the Know: How to Tackle Merger Integration

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Scott Bellinger, BluWave Consulting Manager, shares some of the top reasons our clients bring in merger integration groups and the benefits they gain from them. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with the PE-grade, specialized merger integration providers you need? Contact us here to quickly get started.

Video transcript:

According to data from the BluWave Activity Index, third-party merger integration specialists are consistently one of the top 10 service providers that private equity firms look to for support. Add-on acquisitions are standard operating procedure in private equity, and leading firms rely on expert third parties to seamlessly execute any integration. Here are some of the top reasons PE firms bring in merger integration specialists and the benefits they see from engaging these groups.

When integrating two companies, the goal is always for 1+1 to be greater than 2, however, if not integrated properly, a new add-on investment can quickly go south.  PE firms who trust their integrations to expert third parties can guarantee that the integration will be executed properly, resulting in an outcome greater than 2. Additionally, by trusting their integrations to third parties, they are able to rest assured that their companies will be fully integrated – something that strategic buyers are looking for more often. Plus, if the integration is occurring in a founder-led business, a third-party expert is essential given that most founder-led businesses rarely have the talent in-house to effectively integrate both businesses.

The benefits of utilizing these experts go far beyond achieving an outcome greater than 2. For one, these groups can excellently integrate companies quickly – our pros can perform an integration from start to finish in as few as 120 days. Plus, some of our innovative groups can provide additional services complementary to strictly executing your merger integration, such as conducting a pre-merger synergy assessment to help you better understand potential cost-savings beforehand.

We would be happy to connect you with the PE-grade third-party merger integration expert that is exactly suited for your needs, just give us a shout at info@bluwave.net.

In the Know: Proactive Due Diligence Practices

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Keenan Kolinsky, BluWave Consulting Manager, shares some of the proactive due diligence practices we see PE firms take that separate the more innovative private equity firms from the others. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with PE-grade specialized due diligence providers for your next need? Contact us here to quickly get connected to the ones you need.

Video transcript:

Due diligence is a critical piece in the private equity deal cycle, and we equip hundreds of leading private equity firms with the right PE-grade diligence providers they need – and when they need them. Performing thousands of projects every year, we gain a unique perspective to some of the more proactive and innovative approaches to the diligence process, and I want to share two such approaches we’ve seen that are separating some of the more proactive private equity firms from the others.

Number one, using the right diligence providers for the right deals. Many private equity firms have a go-to list of commercial, IT, and operations diligence providers they leverage for nearly every deal. However, each deal’s different and may require a different slate of providers to get the most out of each unique diligence phase, or diligence stream, depending on a variety of factors such as the target’s industry, the deal size, target technology or operational nuances, timing, and more. Many of our proactive private equity clients realize these nuances, and we support them by connecting them with the diligence providers whose functional capabilities, expertise, and experience account for these factors – uniquely positioning them to deliver excellence on that deal. This allows private equity firms to gain better insights with more speed and certainty, which, in turn, optimizes the entire diligence process for the respective deal. In private equity, one size does not fit all.

Number two, expanding the functional breadth and depth of diligence. Times are changing, and it’s more important than ever to get diligence right and to gain the necessary actionable insights, not only to make a more informed investment decision, but also to begin equipping the value creation plan. Especially in today’s market, value creation doesn’t and can’t end with only commercial, technology, and operational levers.As such, many of our proactive private equity clients are institutionalizing increasingly common diligence streams such as HR, digital, data, and ESG diligence to inform both investment decisions and value creation plans. We continuously map the market for PE-grade diligence providers across various functional areas, industries, price points and more so that you don’t have to.

If you or your teams are using the same slate of diligence providers for every deal, it may be time for a refresh. As you start to consider your slate of diligence providers for your next deal, give us a shout at info@bluwave.net and let us connect you with the right diligence providers for the right deal.

In the Know: How to Action BI & Analytics Experts

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Jeremy Yoder, a BluWave Strategic Account Executive, shares how to action BI & Analytics experts, detailing the different use cases firms and other proactive companies have for bringing in data & analytics experts. Learn more by watching the video below.

Get connected to a BI & Analytics Expert.

Video transcript:

In our increasingly digital world, business intelligence and analytics is a growing input factor for companies to measure their level of growth and for private equity firms to evaluate the success of their portcos. PE firms come to BluWave with needs for data and analytics specialists who can help drive effectiveness and efficiency within their portfolio companies. Here are just a few of the most common use cases we see for why a firm brings in data and analytics specialists.

Number one, developing more measurable metrics at the portco level. The first step to making data-driven decisions is having the right metrics and reporting measures in place. Many companies are lacking this when their first PE sponsor comes into the picture, so our clients equip their new portcos with specialists who can help companies build a solid metrics and reporting foundation. This gives the PE firm visibility into how their portcos are tracking against those set goals.

Number two, data diligence. For companies with large sets of data on products and customers like companies in the B2C sector, there is often hidden value hiding within these datasets if they aren’t being analyzed. When companies aren’t actioning the data available to them, leading PE firms bring in specialists to uncover what stones are being left unturned and help glean risks and actionable opportunities from the data that already exists.

Number three, cleaning and assessing data. The most forward-thinking PE firms are using specialists to clean and assess their portcos data so that they can improve the precision of their evaluations and more deeply inform the health of their organizations. We have a deep bench of business intelligence and analytics providers at the ready for a variety of niche needs. To get connected to the PE-grade,exact-fit provider you need, contact us at info@bluwave.net.

October 2022 Roundup: BluWave Client Insights

BluWave works with over 500 PE firms from around the globe as well as their portfolio companies and other proactive independent companies, connecting them with BluWave-vetted, best-in-class, third-party service providers across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare, consumer goods, and beyond, our clients are expert business builders. In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news and insights you can use.

Check out the latest, curated collection of our client’s musings on cybersecurity, AI, market trends, and more. 

Blackstone: Quarterly Webcast

In this latest quarterly webcast, Blackstone’s Joe Zidle and Byron Wien share insight into inflation, global recession risks, and long-run trends to consider.  Key takeaways include recession risks remain higher in Europe, the inflation peak is sticky, and more.

Watch the video>>>

Permira: Launching AI Capability

With many software providers looking to implement AI-powered features to enhance customer experiences, Gaurav Bhatnagar and Ben Roger from Permira share their insights on launching AI capabilities.  


Bridges Fund Management: The Value of Cybersecurity

In the third issue of their series “Investing in the Future”, Bridges Fund Management shares a publication on the importance of cybersecurity in the age of technology and the businesses that have emerged as a result of this need.  


Montage Partners: PE Firm Stereotypes

Montage Partners’ new series breaks down the stereotypes that surround private equity firms and why they are not accurate. On this episode, Connie Bates shares her experience on how capital is not the only thing PE firms can offer a company.  

Watch the video>>>


Read what some of our clients had to say last month on employee-based ownership, developing ICPs, creating an employer brand, and more.

If you need PE-grade third parties to help you prepare for the downturn, bolster your cybersecurity efforts, or implement AI, don’t hesitate to give us a shout.

In the Know: The Importance of Interim CFOs

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from the hundreds of PE firms we work with. In our most recent installment, Erez Schnaittacher, BluWave vice president of client coverage, shares the importance of interim CFOs and why they are a vital resource all PE firms should be taking advantage of. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with interim CFOs? Contact us here to quickly get connected to the exact-fit interim CFO you need.

Video transcript:

The CFO role is one of the most critical seats in a business. The position plays a key role in ensuring that a business is strong and if PE-backed, that the investment is successful. Because this seat is vital to a company’s success, it is important that it is not left open, and is also filled by someone who possesses the right skillset to execute on the demands that come with being a CFO.

To ensure that both of these are always the case, PE firms often turn towards interim CFOs. At BluWave, we equip our private equity firm clients with interim CFOs for various due diligence, value creation, and prep-for-sale needs. Here are some of the most common use cases for bringing in interim CFOs:

Number one, unanticipated departures. When CFOs unexpectedly resign, it can leave a company’s finance function in chaos. We help PE firms combat this by providing them with exact-fit interim CFOs who can quickly step in, fill the shoes of the role, and keep the ship steady while the search for a permanent placement kicks off.

Number two, longer than normal hiring processes. Even when a CFO seat is expected to be vacant within a certain timeframe, sourcing a candidate to step in at the exact time you need them to can be challenging. With hiring processes taking longer than normal, interim CFOs can help bridge the gap, giving you extra time to ensure you hire the best-fit person for the job.

Number three, professionalizing new portcos’ finance functions. We are supporting many PE firms as soon as a deal closes, by supplying them with interim CFOs. These firms are bringing in these individuals to help new portcos’ finance functions understand what it means to be PE-grade, and help them get the right monthly performance packages in place to ensure that the PE firm is getting the info it needs.

And finally, number four, prep for sale processes. Our clients bring in interim CFOs to respond to diligence requests, assess data, and pull reports prior to a sale. By bringing in an extra set of hands to take care of the extra workload that comes with a sale process, FTEs are freed up to maintain focus on keeping the daily routines going, without causing a delay on the sale process. The modern-day M&A process is fast and furious, valuations decline the second you have to hit the pause button, making it crucial to keep the momentum.

Interim CFOs are one of the most versatile and useful resources available to private equity firms. Hundreds of leading firms come to us with their interim CFOs because of our ability to know before they need, hone in on individuals that meet their specific, unique criteria, and quickly connect them to the select few that are exact-fit.

If we can support your interim CFO needs, please contact us at insights@bluwave.net.

PEI Operating Partners Forum – New York 2022 Event Recap

On October 19th and 20th, 2022, our team had the opportunity to attend and sponsor the PEI Operating Partners Forum – New York 2022. It was PEI’s largest event to date with over 500 PE ops professionals in attendance, a testament to the growing ops function in private equity.

At the conference, our founder & CEO, Sean Mooney, hosted a panel titled, “Unlocking the Due Diligence Imperative to Rapidly Achieve the Value Creation Plan”. The panelists – Cici Zheng of ParkerGale Capital, Marc Jourlait of The Riverside Company, and Kalyan Mukherjee of Apollo Global Management – all shared insightful thoughts on this topic and we have captured some our key takeaways below:

Leveraging Diligence Streams to Inform Value Creation

  • Overall, value creation plans are being created and put into place earlier in the process than has been done historically.
    • Benefits include building trust with the management teams and having the time and information upfront to formulate a more fully baked value creation plan.
  • Ops teams find it critical to work with specialized groups for commercial due diligence that already know and understand the market.
  • Areas assessed upfront in diligence to help ops teams better understand risk include human capital, technology, operations, and ESG.

Working with Deal Teams & Managing the Diligence Chaos

  • Ops teams have discovered that working with deal teams from day 1 helps avoid any post-close surprises.
  • Early work with the deal team helps the ops teams better understand what the deal team is underwriting for, allowing the ops team to better prioritize and position value creation plans.
  • Many firms are leveraging technology to manage the many diligence processes that are happening at any given time.

We greatly enjoyed learning from these thought leaders and connecting with both familiar as well as new faces at the PEI Operating Partners Forum – New York 2022. You can learn about specific ways we equip PE operating professionals with the exact-fit, specialized third parties they need here. If you have an immediate need we can support, contact us here and we will immediately get started.